Route Description
Main Course : Shiraitodai Gymnasium→Shiraitodai Police Box→Tokyo Fire Department Shiraitodai Branch Office→Sengenyama-dori Ave.→Higashi Nursery School→Hitomi Kaido→Fuchu Life Training Center→Sengenyama Park→Kisuge-bashi Bridge→Tama Cemetery 25 Wards→Tama Substation→Inside Tama Cemetery→Tama Cemetery South Entrance Path→Shiraitodai Gymnasium
Short Course : Momiji Gaoka Cultural Center→Hitomi Kaido→Fuchu Wakamatsu-cho Post Office→Fuchu Life Training Center→Kisuge-bashi Bridge→Tama Cemetery 25 Wards→Daiju Elementary School→Momiji Gaoka Cultural Center
This is a hiking course for more advanced users who can enjoy the ups and downs of Mt. Sengen.
Enjoy the seasons as you walk with the spring cherry blossoms in the Tama Cemetery and the beautifully colored leaves in autumn.
* These are estimates given for a person, weight 60kg, moving at 4km per hour, walking 10 min.=30kcal, one step=70cm.
* These are estimates given for a person, weight 60kg, moving at 4km per hour, walking 10 min.=30kcal, one step=70cm.
* Some details in the PDF walking map may differ from Google Map.
* Contact regarding the PDF walking map offered on this website.
[Fuchu City Department of Health and Social Welfare Health Promotion Division Tel 042-368-6511]