Emergency procedures (food allergy)
Last updated on: 8 April 2019 | Released on: 21 April 2017
Immediate onset food allergy symptoms and what to do
If symptoms appear, follow the flow chart below (Emergency Manual cover page).
Symptoms may change rapidly. Continue monitoring at least every 5 minutes until symptoms have improved.
Emergency Manual
This Manual was designed for facilities such as schools and child care centers. However, it should be useful for households as well, with the exception of page A.
Stay calm. Becoming flustered in an emergency may keep you from making the right decisions and taking appropriate action. This Manual is designed to help you find the right procedures by following the flow chart on the cover page.
Composition of the Manual (download PDF)
Complete file
Separate files
- Cover page: The cover page shows the overall picture of what to do in emergencies. Work along this flow chart.
- A: Roles and responsibilities. Shows who does what in a facility (school, child care center etc.)
- B: Determination of urgency, and what to do. Go to this section when you need to determine the severity of symptoms or ascertain the need for urgent treatment.
- C: How to use an EpiPen
- D: Pointers for calling an ambulance
- E: How to perform CPR and use an AED
- F: Symptom check sheet. Use when observing symptoms.
- How to prepare for an emergency
Cover page
A. Roles and responsibilities
B. Determination of urgency, and what to do
C. How to use EpiPen
D. Pointers for calling an ambulance
E. How to perform CPR and use an AED
F. Symptom check sheet
How to prepare for an emergency
What to do if you touch a trigger food
If there are no symptoms requiring urgent treatment, do the following.
Symptoms may change rapidly. Continue to monitor symptoms.
If trigger food touches your skin
Localized itching, redness, hives
- Wash the area which touched the trigger food.
- Do not rub your eyes with hands which touched the trigger food.
When you have eye symptoms
When you have itching, red eyes, or swelling/puffiness
- Wash your eyes.
- If you have anti-allergy medication or steroid eye drops, use it.
When you have put the trigger food in your mouth
Discomfort in mouth or throat (itching, pain, nausea)
- Remove the food from the mouth and rinse out the mouth.